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AMW Blog

Blogging for fun and to keep others up to date on what you are up to!

Our 1st Blog

Outline of first blog - Basics are the best place to start. As you read this blog understand we are writing this for the novice blogger and the professional who has strayed from the basics of good communication. Vince Lombardi once said  
I. Tell them what you are going to tell them
A. History of subject
B. Moving into the present
C. How does it affect your life
II. Tell them
A. Detail added to history not included above
B. Present day examples with specificity
C. Ask questions and invite comments on how this "Interesting Topic" affects them now?
III. Summarize Points in order - Tell them what you told them
A. Keep it simple
B. Recap A, B and C above
C. Invite them to participate in the conversation
IV. Where appropriate include pictures, videos and links to other sites to make your point. These are expected today.
A. You will want to get their attention, educate, inform, entertain and inspire them.
1). Outline your blog to accomplish these things that will ensure their engagement
2). Lay out a format that is easily read from top to bottom, include above mentioned pics and videos
3). Remeber I, II and III above as you layout your blog
4). Headings in bold, easy to read fonts can be included so readers can scan the blog easily to see if they want to read the detail
a) This is truly an artform, generally, people skilled at this can get good paying jobs/gigs as professional marketers/copywriters.
b) If you struggle with this, don't despair, you will develop your craft over time
c) Because it's a blog and videos can be included as well as pictures be sure to label your pics/vids with titles that motivate the reader
to keep reading or click on the image or video. Click on the links below for more info. back